Mining and concentrating company is to be built in Tomsk region

The conference was attended by the representatives of the investor – the British investment fund: the managing director of LLC “Izurium Capital Advisers” (Rus.) Ltd.” Roman Mironchik, the managing partner of IzuriumCapitalAdvisersEurope LLP Thomas Fort, as well as the CEO of the Tomsk-based company OJSC “TMCC “Ilmenite” Mikhail Chistyakov.
According to Mikhail Chistyakov's information, the Tomsk-based company has started to design a project of a mining and concentration company with the capacity of 4 million mineral sands per year, project investments will amount to 4.2 billion rubles by 2019. Vice Governor Leonid Reznikov has informed that the regional authorities will support the project going to consider the opportunity to provide tax benefits. “Construction of such a large company will help to create auxiliary industries on the regional territory, such as a railroad station, a transport and logistical terminal, a chemical laboratory, an automobile transportation company, etc. It implies new jobs, additional taxes and the development of relevant industries”, concluded Leonid Reznikov.
The launch of the company is scheduled for 2016, the projected capacity attainment is scheduled for 2018. As the investor's representative Thomas Fort said at the conference, the project with the Tomsk-based company is the first project of the British fund in Russia. “The project implementation will allow one to provide Russian companies with the crude ore the demand for which is fully covered by import nowadays as well as to provide Siberian glass factories and manufacturers of construction materials with high-quality silica sands”, said Thomas Fort.
According to the marketing strategy, OJSC “TMCC “Ilmenite” is going to take the position of the second large supplier of the mineral sand concentration products at the Russian market with the 30% market share for zircon and 15% - for the crude titanium, as well as to become the greatest glassmaking sand supplier in the Siberian Region with the market share of 50%. “The project of the mining and concentration company's construction is one of the greatest investment project for the Tomsk Region. For the part of the region, upon the instruction of the Governor, the opportunities for providing necessary preferences within the relevant Russian and Tomsk Regional law will be given”, pointed out Vice Governor Yury Gurdin.
The mining and concentration company will produce 33.5 thousand tons of zircon concentrate, 73.1 thousand tons of ilmenite concentrate, 13.3 thousand tons of rutile and leucoxene concentrate and 960 thousand tons of silica sands per year.
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