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Bureau of tooling and machining

Colleagues, let's agree that the company will not publish the information about our supplies, acquisitions and installations on this page, except something is really unique and interesting. In most case, it is not interesting and not important for anybody, except perhaps for those rival companies who are going to use the information in their goals. Let's publish the information related to mechanical engineering and metallurgy. Colleagues, I think that it is interesting for all of us. Now, let's get down to the news.

S.М. Litkovets
Director of BTOMO, LLC


Проект разработки Туганского титан-цирконового месторождения и строительства горно-обогатительного комбината мощностью 4 млн т минеральных песков в год презентовали на совещании с участием заместителей губернатора Леонида Резникова и Юрия Гурдина.